Omega Mobile Plans
Machine to support templates sliding surfaces
Machines > Textile > Omega Mobile Plans
The Omega printing machine series include all machine where the printing pallet moves with longitudinal or trasvers traslation, unlike the classic screen printing carousels represented by our models: Beta and Alfa where the plates turn around a central part.
- Number of printing units: from 1 to 6
- Useful print format: from 50 x 70 cm to 100 x 140 cm
- Number of printing plans: from 6 to 24
- Total plant length: 8.5 m (for 50x70 cm format)
- Plant width: 1.4 m (for 50x70 cm format)
- Worktop height: 85 cm
- No. of hoods for intermediate drying: from 1 to 5
- Theoretical production speed: 6 cycles / min.
Omega with mobile plans in detail
the printing machine is composed of: load-bearing structure constructed in modules with upper and lower beams for supporting the sliding surfaces of the templates. Two pneumatic elevators to transport the printing plates from the printing line to the return line and vice versa. Anti-wear guides on the entire path of the upper and lower floors.
The advancement of the printing plates is obtained pneumatically with a mechanical transport bar while positioning is carried out by means of two opposing pneumatic centering registers.
The Omega printing machine can be made with different formats according to the customer's requests, with a number of colors that can also vary from 1 to 6 colors, and with more or less intermediate drying hoods. Integration of the Omega flatbed printing machine with the Alfa Digital digital printing unit is possible.